PLEASE NOTE: For installation of filter cartridge in the Dr. Clark Countertop Filter System, the flat black rubber "O" ring should face the countertop filter base. For installation of the filter cartridge in the Dr. Clark Pure Shower Filter System, the flat black rubber "O" ring should face the shower filter head.
Fill Only with Pre-Washed Coconut Charcoal.
Also fits Whole House Water Filter Version 1 & 2.
What Chemicals Does the Filter Remove?
The filter is most effective in removing the following list of contaminants, however its effectiveness is limited to the amount of activated coconut carbon in the filter. The other limitation is that the filter is not designed to backwash and regenerate itself.
The best solution for filtration of impurities is the . Why? Because of two main reasons:
It has a large bed of filter medium, 1 sq. foot of activated coconut carbon.
It is designed to automatically backwash and wash out the collected impurities.
List of Contaminants the Filter Helps Remove:
Acetone, alcohol, benzenes, butyl acetate, chlorine, chlorobenzene, defoliants, dyes, ethyl acetate, ethyl chloride, formaldehyde, gasoline, glycol, herbicides, insecticides, isopropyl alcohol, ketones, methyl acetate, naptha (coal tar), nitrotoluene, oxalic acid, phenol, potassium permanganate, propionaldehyde, sodium hypochlorite, solvents, tar emulsion, trichlorethylene, turpentine, urine, xylene.
To read a complete report on what contaminants activated carbon is known to remove click here: Please note that carbon is not effective in removing the following contaminants: bacteria, lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, mineral salts, iron, dirt.
How often should I change my filter cartridge?
This depends on the quality of water in your area. For example, if you have wheel bearing grease in your water supply, you may need to change the filter every 2-5 days. Many water districts don’t have major problems like that. In this case change your filter cartridge about once a month, for normal use of a family of 3 to 5 people. Should you ever smell chlorine when using the filter, change the cartridge.